Harold Lodwick Citizenship Award
This award was initiated in 2009 to recognize the outstanding contributions of Harold Lodwick to the community and will be presented to a “citizen of Beaverton or surrounding area who has demonstrated the spirit of volunteerism and community pride that was so much a part of the life of Harold”. To read more about this award and its impact on the community click here.
The award is presented by Beaverton Special Events each year during the July 1 Canada Day Celebrations.
Funds to support the award also come from the annual Harold Lodwick Hallowe’en Fun Run.
A qualified nominee must be a current resident of Beaverton and/or its surrounding area who is or has been recognized as being involved in multiple volunteer or community activities. He/she must be someone who encourages citizenship and stewardship of the community for its betterment.
To nominate someone, contact Harold Lodwick Citizenship Award in writing or via email, naming your nominee, the reasons for the nomination including his/her past and present volunteer and community participation, along with his/her contact information. Also include your contact information.
Send in writing to:
Harold Lodwick Citizenship Award
c/o Beaverton Special Events
PO Box 125, Beaverton, On, L0K 1A0
Via email:
Click here to download and print form.
Entries must be received no later than June 1
Or Fill in This Handy form:
"*" indicates required fields
This Year’s Recipient
Comments from Linda Bishop, Chair, Harold Lodwick Citizenship Award 2023
My name is Linda Bishop, Harold is my uncle. I’m here to honour Harold and his many efforts of volunteer work he did for Beaverton to enjoy.
On behalf of my Aunt Gerrie, cousins Wendy, Greg, Rob, Alison, Becky, Steve, their children, and the rest of our extended family we will present this award to a deserving, hardworking volunteer. The recipient will receive a trophy, and a cheque for $3000 to direct to a charity or organization of their choice, in town.
Some volunteer work is visible, easy to see, still more work is done behind the scenes and not easily visible to most. Harold was so involved with so many organizations and causes around town. And, while he wasn’t easy to miss, he sure did a lot of behind-the-scenes work.
- The Fall Fair held a special place in his heart. He served as President, worked for a month prior to the fair on the track, grandstand, preparing booths, organizing people and events, and again after the fair cleaning up.
- He helped with the kids races for the schools on the first day of the fair…. [read more here]

Kathy Davidson (left) receiving her cheque from Linda Bishop
Past Recipients

Sylvia and Larry Farrell

Rossie Baillie

Jim Link

Helen Alsop

Jeanette Koot

John Lambert

Eleanor Parliament

Terry Clayton

Chuck Gillispie

Tom Mangan

Randy Skinner

Norma Green

Dorothy MacPherson

Jack Little
The Rest of the Story
What is this Reward All About?
The Awards Committee is a standing committee of Beaverton Special Events. A subcommittee of that is the Harold Lodwick Citizenship Award subcommittee. Its membership is comprised of six volunteers: two from Beaverton Special Events Board of Directors, two from the Lodwick family and
two from Beaverton Special Events Membership. The main purpose of this subcommittee is to administer the Harold Lodwick Citizenship Award.
This award was initiated to recognize the outstanding contributions of Harold Lodwick to the community. Nominations may be made at any time during the year by written submission, but must be received no later than June 1 of that year. All nominees and nominators names are kept confidential and only the
award winner will be announced at the Canada Day Celebrations on July 1.
Nominees do not have to be a current member of any organizations, but they should have been involved in numerous events, groups and committees over the years. The winner of the award, known as the benefactor, will be notified and given an opportunity to decide which charitable organization they would like the funds to go to before the award is presented.
The winner could also ask Beaverton Special Events to undertake a project on the winner’s behalf. Qualified recipients of the funds will include any recognized local registered charitable community organization, religious group or a chapter of any provincial or national organization that has a local
membership (with such registration to be pursuant to the Income Act of Canada).
Funds must be used for a capital expense or a new project with respect to the provision of public amenities to benefit the Beaverton, Ontario community. The allocation of these funds will be directed by the Harold Lodwick Citizenship Award subcommittee and administered and controlled by the
Beaverton Special Events Board of Directors.
We are especially proud of the outcome of the award projects to date and the efforts that the community has put into supporting this award, ultimately honouring its citizens in memory of Harold Lodwick. Donations of the prize money have gone to support the local community at large.
Community Investments by Past Winners of the Harold Lodwick Citizen Award
Harold Lodwick Fun Run
Run, roll, bike or stroll with your family and friends for 5 or a 10 km. Wear your spookiest costumes to add to the fun. Then send us your photos for a chance to win prizes.
This fundraiser helps to raise funds for the Annual Harold Lodwick Citizenship Award which in turn puts funds back into the community.
Winners of the Harold Lodwick Citizenship Award donate their award prize towards a charity or local organization project. To date, the thirteen recipients of this award have reinvested more than $26,000 into community projects.
Click on the poster to open it in a new window and print it out!
With Thanks and Gratitude,
The Harold Lodwick Citizenship Award Committee